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Ultra grimdark creativity and campaigns with a focus on narrative


A term that has become synonymous for a mix of surreal ultra grimdark creativity and campaigns with a focus on narrative, Inq28 is as much of a philosophy as it is a style of gaming, inspired by Inquisitor and often played using 2nd Edition and Necromunda rules.

Whilst there is no specific set of rules, the term was originally coined from the use of 28mm miniatures with the 54mm scale Inquisitor ruleset. Geared very much toward non-competitative narrative roleplay, it also opened up the flexibility to use other more specialist rulesets, such as Necromunda (based on Warhammer 40K 2nd Edition) and even Epic game rules.



Rulesets based entirely on Necromunda but with the focus on Inq28 characters and wider 40K universe, and less upon the hive and gangers.

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