You are here: Campaigns

Welcome to the Campaigns

Evolving stories and collaborations

This will be home to a series of campaigns, based around evolving storylines and built expressly for 2nd Edition rulesets. Already in the works, are campaigns and rules including single player (with semi-autonomous opponents), programmable robots (RT-esque), terrain rules (killer plants, creatures and weird buildings) and narratives based around massively imbalanced games.

Whether you want to follow real-life games, play these campaigns or use these as the basis of your own campaigns, there should be something of interest.

The campaigns and scenarios are also massively inspired by the Inq28 universe, with a focus on intriguing immersive grimdark narratives, instead of "balanced" competitive play. Sometimes it's fun to have no hope of winning, but seeing how the story of that loss plays out. A squad of genestealers will rip apart a squad of scouts, but… how long can they survive?

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