News and updates for the 2e40k project.
I've been fairly reticent to just enter all of the rules, stats and unit data, as I've not been entirely happy with the original plan for structuring the content. The main objective throughout is to make the Librarium a playable resource, ideally on an iPad or phone whilst playing a game. With different versions of stats (coming from original rules, WD, CJ, community updates, SWA, homebrew and then official-unofficial updates from the likes of the Inquisitor fanzine back in the 90's) and not to mention the potential for reverse engineering 3-10th edition stats for missing unit types, it get's a bit difficult. You start asking questions like "yes, but which official stat?"...

The plan, and how I've been building the structure out, is to categorise rules and stats per function and per version/source. There'll be virtual rulebooks that collate that rulebook's rules, and in turn offer a framework for creating new rulesets by picking and choosing specific rules by version/source. Want an original ruleset with some Necromunda smashed in? Want the original ruleset with FAQ applied? Want a community edition with SWA advanced rules? You get the idea.

This will also work in a similar way for stats. I'm still figuring that structuring out, but the general gist is that each "virtual codex" will be indexed by version/source, with unit datafaxes and wargear associated with it. We're not republishing any copyright content, so don't have to worry about how lore or narrative info fits into this. I don't think there's any value in having custom codexes to pick and choose unit stats etc - it makes better sense to just make custom codexes from the outset. Likewise, I think I might need some kind of army builder template, allowing you to build a page made up of all the stats you choose for your army (picking/choosing the version/source.

So whilst content is not growing at the moment, I'm working my way through building microapps for organising all of this data, and also restructuring/improving the structure of the archive and prepping for some campaign fun as well.

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