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Rogue Traders

The Citadel Journal #09


Featured in The Citadel Journal #09, the three page article includes background lore, stats for the standard unit and wargear.


The Warhammer 40,000 universe is so vast that not all planets fall within any empire, either human or alien. From these unknown planets, or worlds lost millennia ago in the Age of Strife, there are many secret treasures to be found. It is the job of the Rogue Trader to discover these new territories that could save the Imperium in this age of war.

The Rogue Trader

Even though the Imperium is a vast, scattered realm, extending over almost the entire galaxy, the number of worlds it controls is small compared to the galaxy as a whole…

Army Selection

Characters 50% Up to half of the points value of the army may be chosen from the characters section of the army list.
Squads 25% At least quarter of your points must be chosen from the squads section of the army list. You may spend more if you wish.
Support 50% Up to half of the points value of the army may be chosen from the support section of the army list.




  • RogueTraderSupportWeapons
  • Agents - You can pick agents from the Imperial Agents list for your support quota of your army.
  • Vehicles - You may choose any vehicles from the Wargear list. They have a servitor crew.


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