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You are here: Librarium

Welcome to the Librarium

A repository of all things rules based

Whilst we can't re-publish the original rules, the Librarium will be home to modernised versions of the rules, community rules, data faxes, stats, cards - and any other useful data both new and old. This project will also spawn The 2e40k Rulebook, with a focus on taking the core mechanics and spirit of Warhammer 40K 2nd Edition and making it more cohesive and cleaner.

The ongoing aim is to have a database style interface for all things rules based, with PDF generation of Data Faxes and quick reference materials. The objective, is that equipped with the original Rulebook, you'll be able to overlay the additional Rules, FAQ and your choice of Codex to play with the most up-to-date official rules. Swap the original Rulebook for The 2e40k Rulebook, a community ruleset or even a spin-off game, and play an entirely different flavour. By filling in all of the blanks and missing bits with the help of official publications and community work, it should be possible to play a fairly refined game.


It’s important to emphasise that this site is unofficial, and that other than occasional use of trademarks in an editorial context, there is no original 3rd party content republished verbatim. Content is original and written to summarise and explain rules. Any quotes of original 3rd party content is on an editorial basis and meets expectations of fair use for such purposes.

The purpose of this part of the site, is to provide a space to draft new rules, compare them with existing rules, and provide a quick reference to summarised rules/stats.

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